MotoWeigh® IMW In-Motion Checkweighers and Conveyor Scales

MotoWeigh...Made Your Way
Now producers of every size can automate their processes and achieve more, thanks to MotoWeigh In-Motion Checkweigher and Conveyor Systems. Harness a range of MotoWeigh components and accessories and you’ll not only automate, but improve nearly every facet of your operation.
MotoWeigh is helping producers tighten target weights, loosen profit margins, and improve quality and customer satisfaction with options like bar code readers and metal detection systems. These are just a few of the benefits you’ll discover when MotoWeigh gives your business a much needed edge over the competition.
The advantages of MotoWeigh are as limitless as your business’s potential. Contact Rice Lake to learn more about what MotoWeigh can do for you. We help design a system as unique as your application, customized to the specific demands of each environment, wet or dry.
Base components, made to order:
For individual products, get quick, in-motion verification of a targeted weight range. Create up to four lanes of operation customized with barc ode verification or reject systems. For product up to 200 pounds, non-Legal for Trade systems are available with a resolution as precise as one gram, at speeds up to 80 units per minute.
Conveyor Scales
For individual product labeling or weight-data capture, conveyor scales are designed to send weight data to peripheral devices like PCs, printers and weigh price labelers. MotoWeigh conveyor scales offer Legal for Trade accuracy at up to 60 units per minute and 2000 divisions.Base components, made to order:
Four levels of security
Real-time statistical information
Product report
Statistical report
Parameter report
User report
Store up to 1,000 different products
Five zone classification
Control Panel
1280 controller (non-NTEP Certified only)
Power disconnect with lock-out/tag-out
VFD (variable frequency drive)
Motor overloads
Square tube construction (SST or aluminum)
32in height from top of belt with ±2.5 inch of adjustment
Modular belting
Drive on right side of belt (looking down belt flow)
Control panel mounted on left side of belt (looking down belt flow)
Divert methods:Pneumatic pusher
Drop conveyor
Secondary diverter in series or parallel
One, three or five zone communication tower
Audible alarm (non-washdown only)
Draft shields
Drop chutes
Pull cord E-stops
Portability package (non-NTEP Certified only)
Conveyor guide rails (round or flat)
Custom programming available
Food-grade SST angle construction, NEMA Type 4X IP66 washdown systems
Meets HACCP requirements
UL 508
Bar code scanner
Metal detection
920i MotoWeigh indicator NTEP Certified Legal for Trade (up to 2,000 divisions/60 ppm)
Filling machine feedback
Pacing conveyor
Construction, three types of systems:
Stainless steel food-grade
Stainless steel non-food-grade
Aluminum non-food-grade
Conveyor scale
Up to 240 ft per minute
Container Types:
Boxes, bags, pouches, trays, tubs, cups, blister packs, display packs, clam shells
Container Weights:
Up to 200 lb
Resolution down to 0.01 lb/5 g, or better (dependent on scale capacity)
Interlox® Habasit®
Power Configuration:
110 VAC single phase, 60 Hz
230/460 VAC 3 phase, 60 Hz
Optional NTEP: 60 ppm at 2,000 divisions (with 920i only)
Optional: UL 508
Two-year limited warranty (excludes powertrain and wear parts)